Chadron State College works to ensure that all programs, activities, and services, including electronic and remote services, are accessible to people with disabilities. Upon request, CSC will provide reasonable accommodations to ensure students have equal access to programs, activities, and services.
For questions, please contact Deena Kennell- Director of Internships and Career Services at 308-432-6467 or by email at or
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To request reasonable accommodations, academic adjustments, and/or auxiliary aids, students must initiate the process by contacting the Disability Services Coordinator and providing documentation of disability. The student’s documentation must include the following information:
- A clear and current diagnosis of the student’s condition by a qualified clinician/ health professional (“current” may depend on the nature of the diagnosis);
- Relevant educational, developmental, and medical history;
- The tests and assessments used to arrive at the diagnosis;
- A description of the functional limitations of the condition (i.e. does the diagnosed condition create a substantial limitation of a major life activity, such as learning?);
- Specific accommodations recommended by the qualified professional and supported by the diagnosis and functional limitations.
Chadron State College has the right to deny a request for reasonable accommodations, academic adjustments, and/or auxiliary aids if the documentation does not meet the criteria listed above, or if a student fails to provide documentation.
Obtaining documentation, including the cost, is the responsibility of the student. If the initial documentation is incomplete or inadequate, CSC has the right to request additional documentation, the cost of which would also be the responsibility of the student.
Timelines: A student may apply for accommodations at any time in the semester. However, accommodations may not be applied to coursework retroactively. Therefore, CSC encourages students who wish to request accommodations to contact the Disability Services Coordinator before classes start or as soon as possible after diagnosis.
The purpose of reasonable accommodations, academic adjustments, and/or auxiliary aids is to allow the student to demonstrate his or her knowledge of the subject matter despite the presence of a disability; not to lower program and/or class standards but to “level the playing field” and prevent intentional or unintentional discrimination against persons with disabilities. The College has the right to maintain its academic requirements and standards.
Students with disabilities have the following rights and responsibilities:
- To an equal opportunity to participate in and benefit from courses, programs, or services offered by the College;
- To an equal opportunity to work and to learn, to receive reasonable accommodations, academic adjustments, and/or auxiliary aids;
- To have all disability-related information treated as confidential;
- To have all disability-related records maintained separately from academic records; and,
- To receive reasonable accommodations, academic adjustments, and or auxiliary aids in a timely manner.
- To meet Chadron State College’s academic standards for admission to or participation in any educational program, as well as adhere to the CSC student Code of Conduct;
- To initiate all requests for reasonable accommodations, academic adjustments, and/or auxiliary aids at the beginning of each semester or in as timely a manner as possible;
- To provide current documentation of a disability to the CSC Disability Services Coordinator;
- To meet qualifications and maintain essential institutional standards for courses, programs, services, or activities; and,
- To maintain clear and open communication with instructors and the CSC Disability Services Coordinator.
Test Proctoring for students with Accomodations
Some accommodations allow for an alternate testing location and/or additional testing time. For those accommodations, test proctoring is available by contacting us at the Disability Services office. All tests must be scheduled in advance to allow enough time to receive tests from instructors and ensure that we have space and a proctor available.
To arrange a proctored test:
- Ensure your instructor has a copy of your Accommodations Memo.
- Schedule your testing day and time by contacting Deena Kennell at or (308) 432-6467
- Notify your instructor of your testing appointment day and time, and request that a copy of your test be sent to Deena Kennell.
- Show up a few minutes before your scheduled test with any materials allowed by your instructor (notes, pencil, calculator, etc.)
Tests may be proctored in-person or via webcam. Be sure to speak with us in Disability Services prior to testing if you have any concerns.
Equal Access Services
In addition to the academic accommodations listed above, additional services may be available to students with disabilities to ensure equal access.
Accessible Workstation
There is an accessible computer workstation available on the main floor of the Library Learning Commons. The workstation is easily accessed by persons with restricted mobility and also has the latest version of Kurzweil 3000 software installed. Kurzweil 3000 provides a suite of apps to help persons with reading or sight disabilities. Here's a quick guide for using with Chrome.
C-Pen Readers
C-Pen readers are available for students to check out from the Disability Services Office in the Library. C-Pens scan and read aloud written speech. Visit Deena Kennell in LLC 201 for more information or contact her at
Service Animals
A service animal is a dog or miniature horse trained to do work or perform tasks for a student with a disability, and the work is directly related to the individual’s disability. A service animal may accompany the student in any and all locations where the student is allowed. No documentation is required, but the college may request proof of compliance with vaccination requirements.
A service animal must be harnessed, leashed, or tethered, unless these devices interfere with the service animal’s work or the student’s disability prevents using these devices. In that case, the student must maintain control of the animal through voice, signal or other effective controls.
Assistance or Emotional Support Animal (ESA)
"Emotional support animals are not service animals, not trained, and not easy to care for, so bringing one to school should not be a simple decision."
Devon Hodge, Western Washington University, CollegeX, May 31, 2017.An assistance animal, also referred to as an Emotional Support Animal (ESA) or a companion animal, provides a measure of support and comfort to an individual with qualifying disabilities in the individual's residence. An assistance animal must be a prescribed part of therapy for emotional and/or psychological disabilities and serve to alleviate symptoms of the disability. An assistance animal must be approved by the Disability Services office prior to being on campus.
Unlike a service animal that has access to public places where pets are not typically allowed, an assistance animal has limited access to places of public accommodation. An approved assistance animal is only allowed in residence halls, and is restricted from access to all other indoor campus areas. Assistance animals are not allowed in classrooms, other campus buildings, residence halls in which the student does not reside, or at campus events. Assistance animals must be under the control of their owner at all times, cannot be left alone overnight, and cannot be cared for on campus by another student. For additional information, please contact our office.